HSR Moving Ahead. Property take proceedings began in Gilroy with the first step being the "Notice of Entry" and the accompanying booklet. "The Authority would aim not to have to employ the eminent domain tool, and would prefer to fairly negotiate with property owners." - Jeff Barker (HSRA). In case you didn't know, Gilroy is part of the Peninsula section. The Peninsula buildout is one of the first four sections out of eight between SF and Anaheim scheduled to be built as it was included in Sacramento's application for federal stimulus money (aka, American Recovery & Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funds). One of the stipulations for receiving stimulus money is construction must begin by 2012 and be complete by 2017. The HSRA is unlikely to want to pass on the opportunity to spend the $2.35B in stimulus money.
Peninsula Cities Fear Property Value Crash During Wait For High-Speed Rail. Nadia Naik, a co-founder of Californians Advocating Responsible Rail Design, agreed that if an EIR is adopted in December, but construction is delayed for years, property values would be jeopardized. "Any plan that is hammered out and is not likely to be implemented any time soon is a concern," said Naik. "You don't want to be told you're living next to the great wall of china for the next 30 years and it never gets built."
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